30 things I’m grateful for in September
My favorite month!
Cheering on the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team in St. Paul (on a school night, nonetheless—huge thanks to my mother-in-law!)
Office Depot engineer prints
Open fitting rooms
No line at Shake Shack
Eating produce before it goes bad
Hearing Christian music in stores and restaurants
Waking up on my own time and realizing that kids both slept in
Quick healing of Rooney’s broken wrist, just in time for her first softball game
When I find myself with an unexpected hour of kid-free time
Peace in my heart that Finch is at the right preschool
Parent’s Day Out at the YMCA
Thinking my gift card only had $7 left on it but then it rang up as $100
Free returns
The work of Richard Scarry
The embarrassed smile on Rooney’s face when Eric and I kiss
Back rubs
A new iPhone
Finch rocking his dental filling
Restaurants with outdoor seating
A new TV in our bedroom
A nearby playground at Rooney’s softball games to keep Finch busy
Sneaking out to the movie (Downton Abbey) after the kids went to bed when my mom was visiting
A husband who lets me celebrate my birth month, birth week, birth weekend and birthday
Another trip around the sun
The return of fall TV
Rooney being brave and singing with the kids’ choir in church