goals for the next year.

a whole year has gone by since i started this blog! i didn’t set any goals for the first year, but here are some for the next snappy year:
- be secure in my style, outfits, blog. i realize that not everyone may like my outfits (or my nose or my dancing…yes, those are actual criticisms i’ve received…), and i have to be ok with that. most of the time i think people could be more gentle, but i understand that i’m choosing to share my life and outfits online and as long as there is a comments section or email address listed, i will receive feedback—good, bad and ugly.
- meet more “ship dates.” outfit posts are fairly easy to create, but i want my blog to be more than that. i want to talk about shopping tips and overall style and closet clean-outs. these posts take a bit more effort and thought. but the posts i don’t want to press “publish” on sometimes turn out to be the best ones. did you know i wrote the six-item theory more than six months before i posted it? i kept telling eric that i didn’t feel like it was “done” and i didn’t feel comfortable with it and thought people would think it was silly, but once i did publish it i got lots of good feedback. i even had someone tell me that the post changed their life. (!)
- don’t compare myself to others. i really feel blessed to have such a high readership of this blog in its first year. still, there are others whose blogs grew faster or get more comments or sponsorship opportunities. sometimes i think that’s a blessing and sometimes i think it’s a curse, but the main thing is that i need to be myself and i can’t do that when i’m focused on other people.
- try new things. i want to think outside the box, make sure i love what i’m doing and not doing something just because i’ve seen another fashion blogger do it.
- don’t be afraid to say no. i love guest posting, but i need to be aware of how much time i have to pour into my blog and also monitor how close i am to getting burnt out. when i got my first “will you review my product?” email, i was thrilled. i did it almost just because it was free stuff and cool and exciting. but i’ve learned that i only feel good when i put things on my blog that i believe in and would spend my own money on it. i promise to give you guys completely honest reviews!
- see the big picture. last fall i looked at my google analytics stats every day. but the numbers can be so up and down and it’s easy to get bummed out when you have a bad day. now i look at my stats a couple times a week and focus more on the weekly and monthly views to track overall growth. it’s exciting to think that in the past year snappy casual had 35,845 unique visitors and visitors from all 50 u.s. states and 120 countries. (that’s 35,845 different people! wow!)

this post concludes my week-long blogiversary celebration. don’t forget to enter the giveaways for lilac saloon, bean & the sprout, and mayfly designs! i’ll announce the winners next friday.
thanks again for reading!