2019 family photo time capsule
photo by Shandy Mikkelsen
Every year we take a family picture in front of this graffiti wall at our church. When Eric and I snapped the first one using a point-and-shoot camera propped on the back of our Jeep (see below!), we had no intention of making this a yearly thing. We now have nine photos in our collection, and it's amazing to see how our family has changed over the years.
When I look at this year's photo, here's what comes to mind:
Eric (35): fundraising and training for a 100-mile bike ride with Bike MS, launched an Etsy shop, still studying to become a Certified Financial Planner
Rooney (7): enthralled in the first Harry Potter book (on audiobook), has her entire wedding planned — including the groom, lives for amusement park rides
Finch (4): recently conquered his fear of pooping on the potty, can ride a bike without training wheels, wants to be “a parent and a train driver and Santa” when he grows up
Kelsey (35): learning to embrace those natural curls, making healthier lifestyle choices (down 14 pounds this year!), always listening to a podcast, forever shopping for jumpsuits
See all nine photos in the slideshow below and believe me when I say TIME GOES FAST!

I highly recommend everyone who is thinking “I wish I had done this with my family” to start now! It’s not too late!
As for us, it’s possible this awesome wall will be painted over in the next year, so this might be it! We will have to figure out a way to keep the tradition going!