Finch turns 4!
Finch celebrated his birthday a couple weeks ago, and I can hardly believe it’s been four years since he joined our family. The big milestone at age 4 is that he now gets two vitamins every day just like his big sister — haha!
His birthday landed on a Wednesday this year and Eric took the day off so we could all celebrate together. When Finch woke up there we streamers hanging from his doorway, and we immediately headed to the living room to open presents. When he saw them wrapped and sitting on top of the fireplace, he said, “So it’s not a dirt motorbike.” Hahaha! He still seemed pleased with his new bike helmet, laser tag guns, picture books and Toy Story pajamas.
The rest of the day was jam-packed — we went to Despicable Me 3 in the movie theater, an Iowa Cubs baseball game, Scratch Cupcake and Rusty Taco. It was a fun, full day!
photo by Shandy Mikkelsen
Finch surprises us often with his bravery and physical abilities, like learning to ride his bike without training wheels when he was still 3. When he falls, he doesn’t want help and sometimes yells “Congratulations!” Not sure where he got that one! He also just started tee ball, which is pretty entertaining to watch. (He mostly just plays with the dirt, and his favorite part is the snacks.)
He finished 3-year-old preschool this spring, counts to 39 and is starting to figure out simple addition. He is always asking things like “What’s seven plus seven?”
Potty training has been a yearlong process, but I can’t remember the last time I changed a dirty diaper, and that is a pretty great feeling!
He is definitely an extrovert — he gets a lot of energy when he’s around other people and loves to talk to strangers. Did you know 4-year-olds ask 437 questions a day? Pray for us, ha!
He is a super fun little dude who challenges us daily. His sweetness certainly outweighs the rough moments!
Finch has always been a big guy. He's currently off the chart for weight and at the top of the chart for height. He often gets mistaken for a kindergartener!
Weight: 50.6 pounds (99%)
Height: 44.25 inches (98%)
Clothing size: 5T/6/XS/S
Shoe size: 11-1 (depending on brand)
He has been pretty healthy lately, especially compared to his first two years of life. Praise God! He had strep throat this spring and seems to have seasonal allergies like everyone else in our family, but I will take it after we thought he might have asthma. I’m happy to report I can’t remember the last time we used his nebulizer. It is so scary when your kid can’t breathe!
Having his teeth cleaned at the dentist
Rollercoasters (“it makes my tummy hurt of going down hills”)
Watching TV
Climbing on top of tall things and jumping off
Being outside
Ringing our neighbors’ doorbells and then running away (ugh!)
Riding his bike
"Mowing" the yard
Baths and showers
Ninja turtles
PJ Masks
Bedtime: 6:45-7:00 pm
Wake time: 7:00 am
He is a great sleeper! Naps are long gone, but he does quiet time on stay-home days. We moved him to a big boy bed in December (he was 3.5) and for his birthday he got a lofted bed that he loves.
photo by Shandy Mikkelsen
And now for one of my favorite birthday traditions! You can get a sense of his personality from his answers — he is very social and loves to make people laugh!
What is your favorite color? Pink, purple, green and blue
What is your favorite toy? A train toy and a PAW Patrol toy
What is your favorite TV show? If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
What is your favorite movie? Incredibles 2
What is your favorite food? Spaghetti with no sauce
What is your favorite fruit? The green stuff (honeydew)
What is your favorite thing to wear? Undie pants
What is your favorite game? Yeti in My Spaghetti
What is your favorite animal? Sheep and cow
What is your favorite song? “La La La Poop”
What is your favorite book? “I Love You Jesus”
Who is your best friend? Charlie (Stoffa) and Beckett (Hajduch)
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride my bike without training wheels
What is your favorite drink? Guacamole
What do you want to eat on your birthday? Cupcake!
What do you want to be when you grow up? A parent and a train driver and Santa
What's your bedtime? In 38 hours
What are you afraid of? Going down hills
What's your favorite thing to do with mommy? Going on a train ride
What's your favorite thing to do with daddy? Going to the chicken BBQ place and going on a train ride and making forts
What name do you like to be called? Finch and Finchy!