22 weeks

when: tuesday, nov. 8, 2011
what i wore:
scarf: gap
sweater: h&m
jeggings: american eagle
shoes: wanted (via giveaway)
where: work, life group
the past week went so fast! here’s a quick update:
- we are trying to get a few things checked off our to-do list, like buying items for the nursery, finding a pediatrician and child care, and registering for a birth class. up until now i feel like we’ve been in denial that we’re going to have a baby.
- last week i had dizziness/nausea for three consecutive evenings. i’m still not sure what was the cause of that, but i’m glad it has decided to pass!
- i’ve been sleeping really well! (yea for body pillows!)
- i’m occasionally having cramping/contractions when i stand in one place for a while, typically in the afternoon/evenings. it doesn’t sound like anything to worry about, but just to keep monitoring it.
- i know two people who had baby boys last week. we’ve got four months to go, but it made me feel ready to meet my baby!
- hearing your husband tell you that he loves your belly is good for the soul.
- he also told me my feet are getting puffy…oh no!
- total weight gain so far = 6 pounds (they want me to gain 30 total).
baby posts from the past couple weeks: