23 weeks

when: sunday, nov. 13, 2011
what i wore: h&m hat and maternity dress, we love colors maroon tights, poetic licence heels
where: church party


- we have four months to go! wow. i can’t believe that means i’m five months along and that in four(ish) months i will be holding my little girl.
- i’m feeling great…and feeling very lucky because of it. i’m just dealing with the occasional sharp pains/contractions and lack of ab muscles.
- sleep feels so good! i can sleep for hours…it might be the best sleep i’ve ever had, and i never thought i’d say that considering i can’t lay on my stomach.
- i can tell i’m getting bigger because i can’t push myself into my desk as far at work anymore. i’ve heard that this is probably how big my stomach will be be immediately after giving birth.
- baby girl’s really active at night and in the morning (basically when i’m resting). her kicks are strong at times but not painful yet. it’s so fun to have a little thing jumping around in there! the best moments are when eric feels her, too, and when he talks to her through my belly button.
- i love to daydream about how she will fit in just perfectly in our family. i can just feel it…the same way i could tell she was going to be a girl.
- check out this video where my husband and i answer some questions we’ve received about our baby names and cloth diapering.
- and here’s another post about financially preparing for a baby, this time in regard to buying all the stuff you need!