
tuesday, feb. 22, 2011
what i wore:
sweatshirt: urban outfitters
skirt: gap
belt: target
leggings: simply vera vera wang (kohl’s)
shoes: target
i was in such a rush this morning. honestly, if i had even one more minute to spare, i’m not sure i would have left the house in this outfit. but, i didn’t. i was nearly late for work as it was (when hubs and i don’t carpool, i sleep in and take my sweet time getting ready—and time got away from me this morning).
this outfit is a little frumpy, and i learned that i need to wash this shirt between wears, because otherwise it gets too stretched out. i’ve seen my 3-year-old nieces pull off outfits like this. how come it’s so much cuter on them? ha!
p.s. happy birthday to my husband! we’re spending the weekend with a couple of our friends in kansas city. and i sabotaged his blog this morning with a little surprise post!