28 Things I'm Grateful for in February

Minnetonka thunderbirds
Minnetonka thunderbirds
  1. The passing of time.
  2. A husband who has a crazy good sense of hearing.
  3. A beautiful birth for my dear friend.
  4. Successfully surprising Eric for his birthday.
  5. White walls in our house!
  6. My brother being a cancer survivor.
  7. Kind friends who make delicious monster cookies.
  8. Coupons.
  9. A sister date.
  10. Traditions.
  11. A husband who loves the Olympics as much as I do.
  12. A great local zoo.
  13. A free Costco membership.
  14. Learning that someone I know has a helium tank...and they let me use it for free for Rooney's birthday party!
  15. A small, local bank that never has a line at the drive through.
  16. Basement progress and a father-in-law who wants to help.
  17. Tweets that make me laugh while watching big TV events.
  18. Another year of life for my grandpa and grandma.
  19. My grandma being recognized by a local TV station for her volunteer efforts.
  20. Pajama day at daycare.
  21. The peace that comes with sticking to a budget.
  22. Finding treasures in Goodwill for less than $3.
  23. Essential oils. Those things seriously WORK for sinus infections, headaches and sore throats.
  24. An easily-accessible washing machine.
  25. Fake glasses.
  26. A husband who can take off work with a sick kid.
  27. Cheap and cute hair clips for Rooney.
  28. Agreeing with my husband on how to decorate our home.