30 Things I'm Grateful for in September
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- She Reads Truth devotionals (I read them on my phone via the Bible app).
- A baby on the way for one of my best friends. :)
- Inspiration to blog at Snappy Casual again.
- Accurately guessing what size shoes Rooney would be wearing this summer and fall.
- A husband who brings home ice cream.
- Nap time.
- Eric for taking Rooney to the grocery store while I slept in.
- Air conditioning.
- Electricity.
- Hot water.
- A washing machine.
- A dishwasher.
- An extra paycheck in August. It went straight to the Finish Basement fund!
- Being able to renew my driver's license online, saving me a trip to the DOT.
- Eric for packing my lunch when I was running late.
- A new Hy-Vee store less than a mile from our house.
- Eric for making a secret website to help me count down to my 30th birthday!
- Sharpie pens (they don't bleed to the back side of the paper - perfect for editing).
- Health insurance.
- The opportunity to play in a women's indoor volleyball league.
- Folding side-view mirrors on the minivan.
- FaceTime.
- Not being afraid of 30.
- Happy childhood memories.
- A decided theme for Rooney's 2nd birthday.
- Sweet Potato Smashfries.
- That Rooney gets to grow up with cousins close to her age.
- A $25 off coupon from my favorite store.
- Gazelle for buying our old iPhones for $160 each (use this link to get an additional $10 on your first trade-in!).
- The Hy-Vee Fuel Saver program. We saved more than $24 on one fill-up!