30 Things I'm Grateful for in November

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I can't believe I've already logged 334 things I'm grateful for in 2013. It has been such a great part of my year and helps me focus on the positive things in my life.

30 Things I'm Grateful for in November

  1. My new gold iPhone 5S!
  2. A night of worship and renewal just for moms at our church.
  3. Essential oils.
  4. Being halfway done with Christmas shopping (and they're all wrapped)!
  5. A beautiful Christmas tree that warms our house.
  6. FaceTime-ing with my mom on Wednesdays.
  7. A handy husband.
  8. A father-in-law who spent an entire weekend working on our basement.
  9. A husband who pursues me.
  10. Play dates with other moms.
  11. A fireplace.
  12. Getting our Christmas cards out early.
  13. Local "for sale" groups on Facebook.
  14. Bacon.
  15. A splendid 65-degree day and not needing a coat.
  16. A friend who scraped the ice off my windshield when I discovered I didn't have an ice scraper in my van.
  17. Thanksgiving feast at Rooney's day care.
  18. Grace when I make mistakes at work.
  19. Clementines.
  20. Sales.
  21. A delicious Thanksgiving meal with family at our church.
  22. Pajama day at day care.
  23. A safe delivery and healthy baby girl for our Life Group friends.
  24. A pretty new planner.
  25. Positive news regarding my brother's cancer.
  26. Great customer service.
  27. Gifts of cupcakes.
  28. A healthy child.
  29. God's provision.
  30. Awesome coworkers.
More Thankfulness