31 Things I'm Grateful for in August
- Indiana for inviting us to speak at the Texas Style Council conference and for putting so many hours into it - we had a great experience (see our recaps here, here and here).
- All our new blog friends that we met in Texas.
- Safe travels to and from Texas.
- Quiet plane rides.
- Dramamine.
- That we called the Hyatt the night before flying to Texas to confirm our hotel reservation (they couldn't find our reservation so for 12 hours we weren't exactly sure where we'd be staying...thankfully it was resolved by the time we got there).
- My sister and her husband for taking care of Rooney while we were gone.
- A $10 Panera gift card from my employer.
- A date day with Eric to enjoy the Iowa State Fair (the country's most famous state fair).
- A new profile photo for Facebook (my last one was two years old!).
- The Global Leadership Summit (this year was our third time attending; we love it).
- A husband who submits to his wife.
- A husband who reads aloud my favorite book, The Giver, to me for 10 minutes before we go to bed. He's never read it so it's been fun to do together!
- White nail polish.
- The Sing-Off is coming back!
- The opportunity to go to Women of Faith with my mom and sister.
- A daughter who hasn't been fighting bedtime lately.
- The ability to laugh it off when Roo is whiny.
- Seeing Rooney lick sunflower butter off a spoon.
- Pitch Perfect. We've seen it five times now and it's funnier each time!
- Our nephew Carson. He turned 1 last weekend!
- 70% off sales at Target.
- H&M's new online shop.
- Link love from Jenni.
- A husband who is a great photographer.
- That the Sky Glider did not break down when we rode it at the fair.
- A great response to Eric's book, for sale here!
- Mary Sievers - her friendship, knowledge about accounting, and kind heart to help us out.
- Fun coworkers. I laugh so much!
- Rooney's grandma for watching her while we went to the fair.
- The return of September :)