31 things I'm grateful for in December
- Shazam app
- Putting the kids to bed and still having time/energy to enjoy "couple time" on the couch (I think it only happened once this month...we're working on it)
- Annual family meeting with Eric
- Amoxicillin
- Crispy M&Ms
- 6.5 hours of sleep!
- Wednesday play dates
- Gift cards
- Christmas jammies
- After-hours at a local pediatric clinic
- Sea salt hair spray
- Watching Finchy learn to pull himself up to stand
- Sunsets
- A white Christmas
- Watching Rooney discover her passion to cook/bake
- A shorter commute for Eric
- Surviving my first trip to the grocery store with two kids
- Finchy learning to sleep in a pack n play
- Shorter breastfeeding sessions
- Beautiful foggy mornings
- Having fun selling clothes on Instagram
- Relieving a clogged duct
- Peppermint oil
- Probiotics
- That Rooney still asks me to kiss her owies
- Boogie Mist nasal spray
- Not going overboard on Christmas gifts for the kids
- Stylish temporary tattoos (Roo loves them!)
- A Christmas party with friends
- Leftovers
- Saying goodbye to a hard year, while looking forward to 2016!