31 things I'm grateful for in July
Hey! Yes, I'm blogging at 4:03 am, because that is my life right now...and while I would be super duper grateful for longer sleep stretches at night from Mr. Finch, there's a whole bunch of other things to be thankful for:
- My mom. It's hard to put into words, but sometimes she's the only one who can give me what I need...in my case that's usually emotional support.
- Our first family vacation in Okoboji
- Our 10-year-old nephew, who is so great with Rooney
- The best coworkers in the world
- Walgreens (it's close to my house; usually has what I need; and is a not-so-intimidating outing for a tired, unshowered postpartum mom who is still in her pajamas...not wearing a bra)
- The kids' pediatrician, who takes such great care of us, listens, understands and gives me hugs
- Watermelon, Blue Raspberry and Cherry Laffy Taffy
- King size beds
- Swaddles
- A visit from friends who live 1,200 miles away
- Rocking chairs
- Nursing rooms at the mall and church
- Grandmas who rock babies to sleep
- Family members who want to hold my baby so I can have a break
- That my grandparents have an iPad so we can text and send them photos...their responses are the best
- Sharpie pens
- Coconut oil (best nipple cream and face lotion)
- Amazon Prime
- Maternity leave
- Saturday church services
- Babywearing...and that my husband isn't afraid to do it
- Budget meetings with my husband
- Couch time with Eric after work to catch up on our days and plan the rest of the evening
- Spudnutz
- Extra long iPhone chargers
- An Anthropologie coming to our mall!
- Stool softeners (#hemorrhoids)
- The mom community on Instagram
- Playdates with friends
- Free shipping
- Emojis