31 things I'm grateful for in July


Hey! Yes, I'm blogging at 4:03 am, because that is my life right now...and while I would be super duper grateful for longer sleep stretches at night from Mr. Finch, there's a whole bunch of other things to be thankful for:

  1. My mom. It's hard to put into words, but sometimes she's the only one who can give me what I need...in my case that's usually emotional support.
  2. Our first family vacation in Okoboji
  3. Our 10-year-old nephew, who is so great with Rooney 
  4. The best coworkers in the world
  5. Walgreens (it's close to my house; usually has what I need; and is a not-so-intimidating outing for a tired, unshowered postpartum mom who is still in her pajamas...not wearing a bra)
  6. The kids' pediatrician, who takes such great care of us, listens, understands and gives me hugs
  7. Watermelon, Blue Raspberry and Cherry Laffy Taffy
  8. King size beds
  9. Swaddles
  10. A visit from friends who live 1,200 miles away
  11. Rocking chairs
  12. Nursing rooms at the mall and church
  13. Grandmas who rock babies to sleep
  14. Family members who want to hold my baby so I can have a break
  15. That my grandparents have an iPad so we can text and send them photos...their responses are the best
  16. Sharpie pens
  17. Coconut oil (best nipple cream and face lotion)
  18. Amazon Prime
  19. Maternity leave
  20. Saturday church services
  21. Babywearing...and that my husband isn't afraid to do it
  22. Budget meetings with my husband
  23. Couch time with Eric after work to catch up on our days and plan the rest of the evening
  24. Spudnutz
  25. Extra long iPhone chargers
  26. An Anthropologie coming to our mall! 
  27. Stool softeners (#hemorrhoids) 
  28. The mom community on Instagram
  29. Playdates with friends
  30. Free shipping
  31. Emojis