31 Things I'm Grateful for in May

grateful May 13
grateful May 13
  1. A husband who talks my ear off with all his ideas. Even though it wears me out sometimes :)
  2. Bike trails!
  3. The intimacy I share with my husband.
  4. Having restraint when people say rude things to us online.
  5. Making it to church on time for breakfast before service.
  6. Favorite Things parties!
  7. Mother's Day :)
  8. A husband who removes a stray cat that jumped into our minivan.
  9. Finding a park within biking distance that has baby swings.
  10. Seven church services to choose from (we even went to the 7:45 am service the other week!).
  11. Catching the UPS guy just in time so he did not ring the door bell and wake my sleeping (sick) child.
  12. Ctrl + Z.
  13. Domino's pizza/wings/pop delivery. (Guilty pleasure.)
  14. Free Amazon Prime trial (for the second time) so I could get my graduation gifts delivered on time.
  15. Dog owners who have trained their dogs to not chase people on bikes.
  16. Free dinner at church.
  17. The opportunity to speak at a blogging conference later this summer (so exciting!!!).
  18. Bacon.
  19. Blinking yellow arrows at left-hand turn lights.
  20. Being able to walk two miles and not feel too achey (thanks, chiropractor!).
  21. That Rooney did not wake up when the Domino's delivery guy accidentally rang the door bell.
  22. The new Beautiful Mess iPhone photo app (used for text on the photo above).
  23. Being invited to lunch with coworkers.
  24. That the tornado spotted in our area didn't come close to our house.
  25. Rooney learned to walk!
  26. The guts to finally try ombre hair.
  27. Living minutes from the largest grocery store in Iowa (really great selection!).
  28. A husband who loves to grill.
  29. Full-length mirrors.
  30. Close relationships with my three nieces.
  31. Bobby pins.