31 things I’m grateful for this January
coat: Old Navy
scarf: Target
Getting my booty back to the gym after two months off
Generous return policies
Decluttering the house (two vans loads to Goodwill and we’re not done yet)
The end of Christmas break
Finding a cute sweatshirt on the Target clearance rack
Beanies (I just ordered this one)
ActivTrax (a personalized workout app)
Fitbit Versa (I’m now obsessed with tracking my heart rate and sleep)
A 53-degree day
Walmart grocery pickup (it’s changing my life—use this link to get $10 off your first order!)
That Eric is a morning person and gets up with the kids every day
Dry shampoo
Flu shots (Rooney still got the flu, but I’m convinced her symptoms were shortened and less severe because of the shot)
Children’s chewable Tylenol
Children’s chewable Ibuprofen
Wireless headphones so I can listen to podcasts at the gym
Dinner out with girl friends
Hand-me-downs for a growing boy
Secondhand kids’ checkerboard Vans in near perfect condition for $11
Date night with Eric at Winter Jam
The kids going outside to play in the snow for 40 minutes by themselves
Staying healthy when everyone else in our family got sick
Sugar-free bacon (use code kelseywilliams20 to get 20% off your first order…we love the beef sticks, too!)
Intermittent fasting
A working furnace during the polar vortex
Making a smart financial decision, even though I wanted to buy a TV for our bedroom :)