31 things I’m grateful for this March

I can’t believe March is almost over! There is a lot to be thankful for this month…

  1. When I was feeling a little overwhelmed and Eric texted “Need any errands run?” (which he instantly regretted…haha)

  2. A good haircut

  3. When the shirt you’ve been wanting finally comes back in stock…on sale…and you have a coupon code…and remember to use Ebates

  4. Parent’s Day Out at the YMCA

  5. Our early childhood school social worker

  6. Finch passing his hearing test

  7. Finch’s behavior improving at school

  8. A double date to celebrate Eric’s birthday

  9. Matching shirts for Eric and Finch

  10. Finch’s fever lasting only one day

  11. A wonderful spring break getaway

  12. Not getting motion sickness on our flights…shout out to Bonine and my new favorite necklace fan

  13. Kid-sized air mattresses

  14. Finding Finch’s new socks that I had somehow misplaced since he opened them on Christmas morning

  15. Both kids falling asleep on the plane

  16. Eric starting all the vacation laundry while I slept in

  17. My Norwex body cloth

  18. Short layovers

  19. Eric staying awake at 2:00 am while driving us home from the airport

  20. Rooney’s bravery to walk to the bus stop by herself

  21. Safer laundry dryer sheets

  22. Online orders that arrive quickly

  23. A job I like, so coming home from vacation is not dreadful

  24. Wonderful spring school conferences for both kids

  25. Sweet notes from Rooney

  26. Cuddles and kisses from Finch

  27. A new Hulu subscription (send me all your recommendations!)

  28. Finch’s sandals from last year still fitting

  29. Discovering new music

  30. Inside jokes

  31. My family’s group text thread