31 things I’m grateful for this March
I can’t believe March is almost over! There is a lot to be thankful for this month…
When I was feeling a little overwhelmed and Eric texted “Need any errands run?” (which he instantly regretted…haha)
A good haircut
When the shirt you’ve been wanting finally comes back in stock…on sale…and you have a coupon code…and remember to use Ebates
Parent’s Day Out at the YMCA
Our early childhood school social worker
Finch passing his hearing test
Finch’s behavior improving at school
A double date to celebrate Eric’s birthday
Finch’s fever lasting only one day
A wonderful spring break getaway
Not getting motion sickness on our flights…shout out to Bonine and my new favorite necklace fan
Finding Finch’s new socks that I had somehow misplaced since he opened them on Christmas morning
Both kids falling asleep on the plane
Eric starting all the vacation laundry while I slept in
My Norwex body cloth
Short layovers
Eric staying awake at 2:00 am while driving us home from the airport
Rooney’s bravery to walk to the bus stop by herself
Online orders that arrive quickly
A job I like, so coming home from vacation is not dreadful
Wonderful spring school conferences for both kids
Sweet notes from Rooney
Cuddles and kisses from Finch
A new Hulu subscription (send me all your recommendations!)
Finch’s sandals from last year still fitting
Discovering new music
Inside jokes
My family’s group text thread