31 weeks

when: wednesday, jan. 11, 2012
what i wore:
sweater: h&m
belt: target
leggings: soon maternity (purchased with the gift card that i won)
shoes: simply vera vera wang via kohl’s
where: work
- i overdid it last weekend, and it took me a few days to recover. i was on my feet too much and it really affected me physically. i technically got enough hours of sleep, but my body just can’t handle things like it used to! i think i was also dehydrated and feeling some contractions because of that. so i’m really trying to take care of myself until she comes…which is tough because there are still things we want and need to do, and friends to have dinner with, but i know i need to set boundaries. (yet another reason to slow down.)
- here’s a pregnancy video update i recorded last week for our lifestyle blog.
- sometimes i will feel quick, repetitive movements, and most likely it means she has the hiccups. it’s very cute and funny at the same time.
- i can tell that my body is building up fat storage in my hips and thighs…how fun :)
- eric went to his daddy class this week at the hospital. he also read a book about being a father of a daughter. i’m so proud of him!