31 weeks


Rooney is taking a big sister class at the hospital tomorrow! I hope she loves it and feels proud of her certificate. She is going to be such an awesome sister. Can you even believe that three years ago she was the one in my belly???

  • How far along: 31 weeks
  • Baby's size: Length of pineapple / weight of coconut
  • Maternity clothes: The dress in this photo is actually not maternity, but most of what I wear is.
  • Gender: Boy. Someone asked this week if we have a back-up name for a girl, and I was like, "We've had seven ultrasounds and it's still a boy so, ...no." :-)
  • Baby names: Still not sharing! But I did find someone on Instagram who is also 31 weeks pregnant with a boy who is using the same name! :-/
  • Movement: Oh yeah, this little guy is crazy! When he's awake and moving, my entire belly jumps! It always catches me off guard.
  • Symptoms: Carpal tunnel is setting in and becoming painful. Isn't that such a strange symptom? I must be starting to swell. Last time I could see the swelling at 34 weeks. Also, forgetfulness.
  • Sleep: I can't complain! I get about seven straight hours and then when Rooney wakes me up in the morning my bladder is like HELLO! HELP US OUT HERE!
  • What I miss: Being able to race after and carry Rooney without the extra weight. It just gets in the way sometimes! I also feel a little clumsy and a little nervous anytime she or Eric are playing rough around me.
  • Cravings: sour candy, ice cream
  • Nursery update: I spent some time in his room this week, going through the hand-me-downs we have received and sorting them into sizes. He has a lot of pajamas but needs some clothes! We have decided that we will probably keep his room as a guest room until shortly after he comes, so that my mom can come and stay with us for a week. Mentally I think it was good for me to just realize that this arrangement will be better and it takes a lot of stress off. Rooney slept in our bedroom for nine weeks so I think he will be in our room for a while too.
  • Mommy thoughts:
    • We started re-watching our birth class DVD last week and it brought back so many memories. Rooney's birth was a very physical and emotional experience for both of us last time.
    • With Rooney, I never got to the point when I was so done being pregnant that I wanted to give birth to her RIGHT NOW. This time, I've already had a few feelings like that. :-/ At times I'm very tired and uncomfortable. I can't tell for sure if it's because I'm three years older now or because I have a toddler who requires my energy or because I'm ready to complete our family, but I'm getting pretty excited to meet him. But deep down I know it won't be any easier once he's here (at least not for a while) and that he still needs to grow and develop for at least six more weeks - which really isn't that long! Ahh!