33 weeks

when: monday, jan. 23, 2012
what i wore:
- scarf: gap
- sweater: h&m
- belt: target
- leggings: be maternity
- socks: target
- boots: steve madden
where: work, errands
- with the turn of the chinese new year on monday, our baby will officially be born in the year of the dragon. our friend (who lives in china) was telling us how big of a deal this is in their culture—that it promises good luck and many of them try to have a baby in the year of the dragon. (if you want a dragon baby, too, there’s still time! just get busy before may 2 :) )
- have you read the “don’t carpe diem” article that went viral this week? i wrote back at week 18 that i wanted to share the good and the bad of my pregnancy and be as real as possible. sometimes as women i think we do more to tear each other down than build each other up. and it may not be intentional, but people will say to me, “enjoy every moment of this wonderful journey,” which is sweet but it makes me feel guilty when i don’t. because i honestly don’t enjoy the exhaustion, the crazy emotions, the pain. i know it is worth it-–i am not complaining or discounting that. the suffering will produce something amazing. but it’s not all smiles and rainbows! i have tried to be very open and honest through my weekly updatesabout how i’m feeling—physically, mentally, emotionally—in case my experience can help someone else realistically prepare for the roller coaster of pregnancy.
- can someone teach me how to hug my husband with a belly? it is quite awkward for both of us…
- restless leg syndrome is a real thing.
- i’m still shocked every time a stranger asks me when i’m due. it’s only happened three times, and i know i look quite pregnant in these photos, but only once when i was asked did i feel like i was wearing something that made it obvious that i am carrying a child.
- our first baby shower is this weekend! yea! i’m soo excited to celebrate this bump with my girl friends. and there are lots of things we need for the nursery before she comes (monitor, crib sheets, changing pad, diaper pail), so i’m thrilled to get more prepared and figure out what else we need to buy before she comes!
have a great day, friends! i really appreciate you stopping by!