35 weeks


necklace / c/o Maurices
dress / Old Navy
jacket / c/o Sheinside
sandals / Target

  • How far along: THIRTY-FIVE WEEKS. Can you even believe it?!
  • What's new: I had another non-stress test today. He passed with flying colors!
  • Baby's size: 5+ pounds
  • Baby's heart rate: 145 bpm
  • Maternity clothes: Jeans are getting snug and uncomfortable. I have a couple dresses, some leggings, and one pair of maternity shorts that sit below my belly that I hope will get me through the next five weeks!
  • Gender: Boy
  • Movement: Last weekend I had a scare where all of the sudden I realized I hadn't felt him move in a while...he is usually active around 8:00 pm as we settle down for the day, but it was 9:30 and I hadn't felt anything in quite some time. I got pretty worried and tried to wake him up, and about 10 minutes later he became active. I had accidentally run into the corner of our dresser the night before, which was super painful and left a scratch on my belly, and I psyched myself out assuming the worst.
  • Symptoms:
    • Sore tail bone (the relaxin hormone has made everything loose and out of whack!)
    • Increased body temp - I often wake up sweating
    • Swollen feet and hands
  • Sleep: Not bad...when I wake up in the middle of the night I just try to be thankful that I don't have to get up to change a diaper or breastfeed
  • What I miss: I probably sound like a broken record, but Rooney often asks me to run with her or jump with her, or to sit on my lap, and I feel like I'm constantly telling her no. I just can't keep up!
  • Cravings: Famous Amos cookies, Pirate's Booty
  • Nursery update: We put together his crib! So now it probably won't change much til after he's born, even though he probably won't sleep in there for the first couple months.
  • Mommy thoughts:
    • I am really quite uncomfortable at times...more so than I remember ever being with Rooney. I feel the best right after a chiropractic adjustment!
    • I am feeling anxious about a few things (breastfeeding, leaving Rooney to go to the hospital, labor/delivery, sleep deprivation, adjusting to life as a family of four...) but talking it out with Eric has been really helpful.
    • Loved this article. Especially #2 and #4!
    • I want to get the infant car seat washed up and installed this week, and a hospital bag started. I think that will help me feel less anxious!

Anyone else 35 weeks along? How are you feeling?