38 weeks
jacket / Madewell
T-shirt / Old Navy
shorts / Old Navy
shoes / Converse
- How far along: 38 weeks
- What's new: I'm sort of amazed (and very thankful) I've made it this far! I've had a lot of contractions this week (seven hours straight on Monday, about 5-7 minutes apart!) and feel like my water could break at any minute. We really want a June baby, so I'm praying he stays in there until at least Monday! If he comes when Rooney did, he'll come before I can post a 39-week update!
- To do this week:
- Install blackout shade in the nursery
- Go on a family date - make Rooney feel super special
- Convince myself I can do this :-)
- Baby's size: 7ish pounds?
- Total weight gain: 29 pounds (two pounds more than I gained with Roo)
- Baby's heart rate: 150 bpm
- Maternity clothes: I have officially packed away my maternity jeans. They don't fit anymore! Which is fine because it's been warm here and my shorts and dresses are super comfy.
- Gender: Boy
- Baby name: You will know soon! :-)
- Symptoms:
- Swelling (my wedding ring no longer feels comfortable to wear)
- Contractions
- Cramping
- Anxiety
- Irritability :/
- Sleep: I've had a couple good nights and a couple rough nights. And by rough I mean I have trouble falling asleep, strange dreams that make me feel anxious and not deeply rested, and get up and use the restroom at least once.
- What I miss: Having a lap for Rooney to sit on, and being able to give her underdogs at the park
- Cravings: Tato Skins bacon & cheddar chips
- Nursery update: I wrote some words on a white canvas using black shoe polish and really like how it turned out! I will share a DIY soon!
Goodies for the nursery from The Land of Nod!
- Mommy thoughts:
- Eric's sister gets married this weekend, and it's two hours away. Unfortunately, I just don't feel comfortable making the trip. Eric and Roo are going though, so fingers crossed I don't go into labor while they are gone!
- I gained 4.5 pounds in ONE WEEK. I am retaining lots of fluid and my face is swollen. My legs are big. Even my armpits are swollen, I swear! Eric says he thinks I look great, which helps a lot, and I'm just trying to remember that all the fluid goes away soon after the birth.
- There are two car seats in our van now! Rooney got upgraded to a harness booster (her "big sister car seat") and the infant carrier is installed next to her. This is getting more real every day!