Life update! I turned 41! I took the day off from work and read a book on my deck, which is my happy place. Eric took me out for lunch and then I watched my daughter play in her softball game. It was a great day!

Last year, when I turned 40, I decided it was time for me to do some self-care and embark on a year of health. What that has meant is a lot of doctor appointments in the past 12 months :) Not so fun, but it’s a relief to feel like I am taking care of myself. I have focused more on my health in the past year than I have in the 12 years since I had kids. Making it a priority feels good!

  • I had my first mammogram & breast ultrasound (and learned I am high-risk for breast cancer)

  • I had an MRI on my knee — it has bothered me for 18 years since I injured it in college. The cortisone shot helped a ton and my knee didn’t hurt at all when we were at Disney World!

  • Allergy testing (I am allergic to ragweed, maple, birch, marsh elder, cocklebur and plantain)

  • Breast MRI (all clear)

  • Skin check at dermatologist

  • Physical therapy for TMJD (not much improvement, yet … )

Unfortunately, I was in a car accident in July 2024 and am still recovering. It could have been much worse, but I’m shocked at how long it took to feel like myself again.

Next month my health journey continues as I am establishing a primary care provider — I have a list of questions like Do I have ADHD? Anxiety? How can I deal with my motion sickness? I am also meeting with an oncologist to see if I am a candidate for tamoxifen to decrease my cancer risk. And, it feels like menopause is right around the corner.


Maybe my goal for the next year should be more thrilling, like taking an adult hip hop dance class. Who’s with me?!