a bump in the road.
top: soon maternity | belt, skirt and sandals: target
my search for style has been on quite a journey in the past year—first learning to dress a bump (it’s been almost a year since i found out i was pregnant!) and now learning to dress my after-baby body.
honestly, in the past few weeks i have had a heck of a time putting together an outfit i’m proud of. (the one above was stolen from sydney.)
i’ve read that three months after you have a baby (which is NOW for me), you start to redefine your style.
i didn’t think it would happen to me.
but i can’t count the number of times in the past few weeks that i’ve wanted to throw out most of my clothes and start over.
it doesn’t help that spring/summer are difficult seasons for me to dress for anyway.
it’s getting so bad that last weekend i wasn’t sure we were going to get out of the house on time for rooney’s baptism until eric swooped in and picked out my outfit for me (i ended up wearing a repeat of this).
there are just too many things in that closet.
i’m thinking i need to do a big cleanout/sale soon and then be a lot more intentional going forward.
but i’ve said that before…