a Wednesday in the life
When Rooney was 7 months old, I switched jobs and was able to go from working 40 hours down to 32 hours. This was a huge life change and made a big impact on me feeling like the time I was spending with my family versus at work was a good balance. More than four years later, I'm still loving it! It's so nice to work two days, have one day off, work two more days, and then have the weekend. Just that one day makes the entire week feel completely different (in a very good way). I love my job, but I don't feel like I spend too much time working. Here's a look at a typical Wednesday at home (kids currently aged 1.5 and 4.5).
6:45 am
I usually hear Finch talking through the monitor a little before 7:00, and I will lay in bed reading my Bible until 7:00, which is when we let the kids come out of their rooms.
We have a lazy morning of eating breakfast, watching TV and staying in our jammies. I'll sit and cuddle with them for a while and then gather up the laundry and start a load. We'll all slowly get ready for the day. Rooney and Finch have started to play together more and more, which allows me to get a few things done without someone at my feet.
9:30 AM
We are usually heading out of the house by mid-morning to run errands, get to a doctor / dentist / chiropractor appointment, or just to get out of the house. When the weather is nice, we like to walk to the park. If we don't leave the house, we'll at least head down to the basement for a change in scenery. Right now Rooney is taking swimming lessons at the YMCA, so we have to be out the door just after 9:00 am.
Since Finch was born I have sort of played it safe and usually just stick to Target, the grocery store, etc. This summer I hope to get braver and take the kids on fun outings like a splash park, the zoo (our local zoo has a baby giraffe and rhino!), Science Center, play dates, etc. Maybe the library. We used to do all that sort of stuff when it was just me and Roo. I am definitely looking forward to the weather getting warm!
11:30 AM
Lunchtime! We just eat something quick and easy at home.
12:10 pm
Time to head out the door for preschool drop-off. Rooney goes to Pre-K four afternoons a week, including Wednesdays. Thank goodness for the drop-off line! Finch cries when she gets out of the van, every time! I'm so thankful they love each other so much :-)
12:40 pm
Finch and I get home, and he goes down for his nap. He usually sleeps for an hour, sometimes longer.
I grab lunch for myself and head to my bedroom for some peace and quiet. I will listen to podcasts, write blog posts and/or check my email.
When Finch gets up, I nurse him and change him, and then by 2:40 we have to be back in the van to go pick up Rooney from preschool.
3:00 pm
Rooney's back in our possession. We usually head to the mall while she tells us all about preschool. We play at the play area and then go to Pretzelmaker for a snack, and maybe stop into Barnes & Noble to play with the train table. I'll also pop into a store quick if they are cooperating. If we don't go to the mall, we will go get donuts, visit daddy at work or go to a park.
5:00 pm
Our 5 o'clock hero (Eric) gets home just in time for supper. Sometimes Wednesdays feel like an entire weekend and I feel the need to duck into our bedroom for a little alone time to recharge. :-)
It is really nice to have a day "off" in the middle of the week to catch up on chores, spend slow time with the kids, and have a set day for scheduling appointments. I am so thankful I was able to find such a great job that allows this schedule, and a husband who supports me in many ways to make this possible!
This fall, when Rooney goes to kindergarten, I will likely cut back my work hours even more so I can still have #WednesdayswithFinch and also be home early when Rooney gets off the bus.
You can see many of our past #WednesdayswithRooneyandFinch adventures on Instagram (and back when it was just #WednesdayswithRooney).