April goals

I’ve never been one to write down a lot of goals, but I can guarantee that if I hadn’t written down my March goal of walking 22 minutes a day for 22 days, I wouldn’t have done it. There were many windy days, cold days and rainy days that would have been so easy to skip if I didn’t have the blog to keep me accountable. I probably would have made excuses and walked about half that number of days. One day I walked in 25 mph winds during a tornado warning, ha!

And guess what else! We finally booked our South Dakota trip, which has been on my to-do list since January. Feeling so accomplished!

I’m excited for April! Rooney’s playing softball and soccer, my kids are having their color analyses, we’re going to Okoboji for Easter, refinancing our mortgage, USWNT soccer games, junk day (we have so much to get rid of), and ending the month at Great Wolf Lodge. COVID is obviously still very much present and could stop us in our tracks at any points, but fingers crossed April 2021 > April 2020.


  1. Finalize our summer plans. Summer with kids is such a puzzle, isn’t it? Vacations, camps, child care … it all falls into place eventually. I am still looking for a short-term nanny for Finch when preschool ends in May (a college student, most likely?), church camps for both kids, swimming lessons, Vacation Bible School and maybe a couple kindergarten prep camps for Finch.

  2. Get a COVID vaccine. I had a dream recently that I was able to get an appointment! Eric and I become eligible April 5. Just putting out good vibes!

  3. Register Rooney for fourth grade. I have no idea how that is possible, but I’m excited for both my kids to be at the same school for a couple years!