my best friend's sweater

when: friday, may 13, 2011
what i wore:
sweater: gap (hand-me-down from my friend keisha)
necklace: c/o strut
jeggings: american eagle
shoes: simply vera vera wang via kohl’s
bag: le mode accessories
where: work
you might have noticed lately that i’vebeenswappingclothes with friends. swapping is totally the new shopping! and this sweater in particular, i don’t even have to give back! i helped my friend pare down her closet a couple weeks ago and took home a handful of things from her “give away” pile. i bet there are people around you, too, who would be willing to swap a few items for a few weeks. i’m still wanting to organize a small clothing swap with some of my friends!
i’m now accepting snappy sponsors for june! please email me if you’re interested!
p.s. i’m also blogging over here today about marriage and serving your spouse.