a post about books!


I just finished reading Gentle Babies a few minutes ago (it's a book about using essential oils during pregnancy/childbirth and on babies/kids), and it made me remember how much I love books! I mean, I totally consider myself a reader, even though I only read maybe one book each year. Is that insane? :/ Audiobooks are awesome, too, but I'm usually in the car with a talking toddler.

Anyway, I thought I would think back on the books that I've loved and share them here and see if any of you liked them too! Here goes...

Childhood Favorite: The Giver by Lois Lowry. This book has always stuck with me. The movie was different, but still good!

Last Novel I Read: The Choice by Nicholas Sparks

Comfort Reading: I read Scripture every morning. Also: blogs! My favorites are The DaybookJen Loves Kev, Love Taza and Hey Natalie Jean. They are all beautiful and faithful mamas.

A Book Everyone Else Seemed to Love, But I Didn't Like/Finish: The Lovely BonesNot only is it eerie, but I found the main character much too mature for her age. Didn't seem realistic enough for me to keep reading. Plus, I'm prone to nightmares, so this book didn't seem like a great idea.

A Book I'm Most Proud of Finishing: Jane Eyre. That sucker is long (but beautiful!).

A Book I Want to Re-read: The Bell JarI read this in high school upon the recommendation of a teacher, but can't really remember much about it, except that the author committed suicide not long after writing it.

A Book That Shaped Me: Blue Like Jazz. I have given this book as gifts MANY times.

A Book on My To-Read List: It Starts With Food (Eric's reading it now) and Hey Natalie Jean: Advice, Musings, and Inspiration on Marriage (available for pre-order).

Book I'm Most Likely to Recommend to Someone Else: Heaven Is for Real or 90 Minutes in Heaven. I've always been a believer, but these two books absolutely blow my mind. Runners up: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years and Love Does.

What are your favorites???

P.S. Idea for this post taken from here