my outfit: TxSCC brunch & symposium

when: sunday, march 13, 2011
what i wore:
top: maude
jeggings: american eagle
sandals: target
clutch: gift (handmade by emery designs)
where: brunch at BoConcept, TxSCC symposium at ballet austin
this outfit wasn’t supposed to happen. i packed a couple dresses for sunday, but after a busy weekend of wearing heels, skirts and dresses, i was ready for something casual. plus, i bought this shirt at langford market the day before and couldn’t wait to wear it! eric was able to join me at the conference, which was such a blessing because we could attend all the sessions we were interested in (by splitting up), and because (from experience) i know we do a lot better when we are both present to absorb the information. two minds are better than one.
overall, i couldn’t have imagined a better weekend. i was constantly impressed with the organizers, indiana and gretchen, and it was like fashion blogger’s heaven. i really hope i am able to go again next year. i went into the weekend quite burnt out (mostly from the 30 for 30) and not knowing how to balance my love of blogging with the rest of my life. after meeting great new friends and gleaning insight from top-notch panelists, eric and i left renewed, refreshed and inspired.
without a doubt, my favorite part was connecting with all the amazing women. i met the girls behind some of my favorite blogs and also was introduced with new friends who i couldn’t wait to connect with later online. the truth is, i really didn’t want to leave austin. i kind of got emotional about it! it probably didn’t help that i was rundown (we barely found time to eat or sleep when we were there).
without further rambling, please meet more of my new bloggy friends:

jessie lives in kansas city, so we’ll for sure be hanging out again soon! maybe she’ll even let me steal borrow some pieces from her amazing wardrobe…

the beautiful janette and i connected on many levels (she’s from the midwest and also has a journalistic background).

i’m convinced that indiana is super woman! as one of the organizers, she had every reason to be unavailable and completely stressed out—but she never once seemed flustered!

kyla was one of the first ladies i met (so real and easy to talk to).

it doesn’t seem possible, but katy is even more adorable in person.

elissa used to live in des moines! crazy, huh? i wish she still did…

lisa is exactly what i thought she’d be—a human sparkler!

i caught myself staring at amanda’s adorable vintage clothes (and perfectly tousled hair!) all weekend long.

wit is emily’s middle name.

merl has many talents, two of which are crafting amazing jewelry and taking photos with her sweet camera (eric was drooling over it).
even eric made some friends. see?

» read eric’s recap of our trip on our family blog.
now. prepare to be star-struck (i certainly was!):

keynote speaker jennine came to most of the events, and i was lucky to chat with her multiple times. she has so much knowledge!

i had been looking forward to meeting “miss” james—and her kids!—all weekend. she thought she recognized me from somewhere. (i wish!)
i did a fairly good job taking photos throughout the weekend, but there were many great girls i didn’t get photos with. (we miss all y’all!)