conversations with Rooney // 16
photo by Shandy Mikkelsen
And now, Rooney’s turn:
While waiting for Finch to wake up from his nap: "When is Finchy going to be alive?"
"My butt is actually nervous right now."
"You need to fix my sheets, they're getting scrambled!"
"Finch, you're gonna be a daddy soon!"
"Sugar makes me poop sour."
Discussing reasons why she may be feeling sick: "Maybe I got my tonsils out."
Rooney: “Do you want to play a game?”
Me: “Sure!”
Rooney: “Should you go get it then?”
About a friend at school: “I like his noise.” (voice)
After picking her nose: "I just learned that boogers are yellow."
“Who do you think's gonna die first, you or daddy?”
Rooney: “When’s the Daddy Daughter Dance?”
Me: “February.”
Rooney: “Oh my gosh, that’s so far away. I'm gonna be like 11 by then.”
Because she was mad at me: “I'm not playing with you in heaven.”
Me: “College is the best.”
Rooney: “Do you kiss in college? Daddy told me you kissed in college. There's no teachers.”
“Oh my gosh, the freckles on your leg are tickling me.” (leg hair)
“Turn on your clinker.” (blinker)
“If McDonald's started with a W it would be WcDonald's.”
“Grandmas have lines on their faces.”
“Our Father, who aren’t in heaven ... ”
“I don’t know how to get to Target, but I’m sure my husband will tell me.”
Walking past the Taylor Swift display at Target, she blows a kiss and then whispers, “You’re the best singer ever.”
Eric: “Be still my heart.”
Rooney: “Mommy stole your heart?”
Eric: “She did steal my heart.”
Rooney: “Because she bosses you around?”
Rooney: “Mom.”
Me: “What?”
Rooney: “None of your business.”
After seeing Tonya Harding on TV: “I think I know that girl. I think she was a sub at school.”
Walking into church: “Mom, are we gonna get those Jesus cookies?” (communion wafers)
While riding in the car: “TJ Maxx — that’s a show!” (PJ Masks)
At Costco:
Rooney: “Oh, a playground!”
Me: “Yeah, it’s $1,000.”
Rooney: “Oh my gosh. Grandma wouldn’t even buy me that, and she buys me everything!”