Family Photo Time Capsule // 2016
Team Williams, Currently:
Finch: walking like a pro & working on his seventh tooth
Eric: getting up every morning at 5:30 to study for the Series 65 exam & succumbing to the awesomeness of Gilmore Girls
Rooney: just finished 3-year-old preschool & can name the seven continents
Kelsey: nursing Finch 5x a day & planning our summer bucket list
Every year we take a family picture by this wall at our church. It always ends up to be my favorite because the outfits are not over-thought...everyone just chooses something they currently love to wear and we go with it. We didn't even brush Rooney's hair this year! I love seeing how our family has grown over the years. Here are the past photos, if you'd like to see:
2015 - photo by Shandy Mikkelsen
2016 - photo by Shandy Mikkelsen