31 things I’m grateful for in December
photo by Shandy Mikkelsen
Eric passing his fourth test en route to becoming a Certified Financial Planner
Caretakers & home hospice care
Completing a 30-day push-up challenge
Going to my nieces’ basketball game
Being prayed for
My friend buying a house closer to me
Waking up at our own house on Christmas Day and having an absolutely magical morning
Rooney’s thoughtfulness while shopping for a gift for Finch
Reese’s Christmas trees
My first pair of clogs
Sea salt caramel chocolate chip cookies
Bottle brush trees
An amazing Christmas Eve service at our church
60° on Christmas Day
A nap on Christmas Day
Editing down my Instagram follows so I can see everything I really want to see
That Rooney likes to run errands as much as I do
Night lights
Finch learning to blow his nose
Watching my kids sleep
Online appointment scheduling
Receiving Christmas cards and letters
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