denim therapy

my skinny jeans are back! remember how they ripped and i was so sad? well, my co-worked told me about this wonderful little thing called denim therapy. located in new york city, they repair denim using cotton thread rather than traditional patches.

you can see the 3-inch rip on the left side, and that the right side was getting really thin.

seriously, because of the placement of the rip and the color matching of the thread, when i am wearing the jeans you can hardly tell! i know it’s kind of obvious in the photo, but no one looks that close to my butt. :)

here is what it looks like on the inside:

total cost: $61

  • i paid denim therapy $49.80 to repair the jeans ($7/inch) and to ship the jeans back to me. i received 10% off because i told them i would share my results with all of you.
  • i paid UPS $11 to ship the jeans to new york.

my review:
i recommend denim therapy because i think they do a great job and it’s a unique service that i haven’t seen anywhere else. the jeans really look great! however, truthfully, i was not expecting such a high total cost. i could have purchased a new pair of jeans for that amount of money—but not from banana republic, and i was not yet ready to part with these because they fit me well and are already worn-in. but perhaps i should have better forecasted my total cost before i went ahead with the repair.

denim therapy has lots of other services available—resizing, dying, fixing hems, and turning your favorite jeans into maternity jeans. check it out!

have you used denim therapy? what was your experience?