double double mint

when: tuesday, april 5, 2011
what i wore:
dress: midwest vintage
trench: borrowed from suze
tights: c/o we love colors (dusty green)
shoes: kohl’s
where: photographing hubs
yes, i just wore this dress a couple days ago. confession: i love repeating outfits. if i like it, why not wear it twice—or three times? but since i started my blog (five months ago!), i hadn’t quite figured out how i could continue to repeat outfits and still keep my blog fresh.
in the past month or so, i’ve gotten in a little groove: i typically create and wear a new outfit on the weekend, photograph it, and then repeat it during the week. i’ve learned that i am not my best when i try to create outfits in the morning before work, so i specifically carve out weekend/evening times to play in my closet. when are you most creative?
oh! and if you want to learn a tissue paper trick for gift bags, i’m also blogging (actually, vlogging) over here today.