Finch, 21 months
This fun and funny kid is 21 months old! I love him more every single day. He is such a hoot and brings joy to everyone he sees. You gotta meet him!
- Weight: 33 lbs
- Clothing size: 18 months - 3T
- Shoe size: 7-8
- Diaper size: 4/5
- Teeth: 16
Drinking fountains:
Chip dip:
High chairs and booster seats - he started boycotting them a couple weeks ago and absolutely refuses to sit in them. He's a big boy now!
- Bedtime: 7:00 pm
- Wake time: 6:00-7:00 am
- Nap: 1-2 hours
He had a cold (i.e., snot coming out his eyes) and respiratory congestion this month, but last year he was in the hospital with bronchiolitis so I'm counting my blessings. He also had a really bad diaper rash. He goes to the chiropractor once a month to get adjusted.
I have spent more than 95,000 minutes (1,500+ hours!) nursing this little man! I am not ready to be done, but I'm wondering if our trip to Chicago next month will be the end of it. I am planning to try and nurse him when I get back, but I don't know if I will have any supply left after four days away? We shall see. (And I appreciate any tips or thoughts you have!)
- This kid is so social, he says "hi" to the faces on paper money
- His hair is amazingly curly after a bath
- His favorite book is Toes, Ears & Nose!
Eric's favorite thing about Finch right now is when he says "K" when we tell him things. It is fun that he understands what we are saying and can respond. The hardest part has been when he throws tantrums.
My favorite thing about Finch right now is how he can communicate with us and has new words every day. The hardest part of the past month has been when he won't let me set him down or pass him off to anyone else.
Oh, and it's pretty darn cool watching your two kids become best friends. <3