how to keep your toddler busy for an entire hour
Alternate title: This is what I do while Eric watches football.*
Rooney loves orange, so I thought she would enjoy helping me find all the orange things we have around the house. She is 2.5 and knows all her colors, but this was a great activity and would be good for younger toddlers who are just learning.
We included things from my jewelry collection and Rooney's room and even the kitchen cupboards. She thought it was pretty fun, so we continued through the rainbow...
(Does this count as homeschooling?)
P.S. I may have had more fun than Rooney, but I promise she was still pretty into it!
*For the record, I don't hate football. I actually enjoy lazy days around the house more than my husband so when the TV is on and he's got his feet propped up, I'm usually like "FINALLY! We can just relax for a bit" :)