31 things i’m grateful for in July

I’m calling it — July has been the best part of 2020 so far. I went back to work, the kids had a nanny they loved, and we squeezed in as many summer activities as possible in the evenings and on weekends. Rooney is supposed to start school in just three weeks and it feels like summer is slipping away. Thankfully we still have our trip to Okoboji to look forward to!

  1. Eric’s 7 weeks of PTO

  2. Rooney getting to go to Okoboji for a few nights with her cousins

  3. Our first date in months

  4. When the wind is at your back

  5. Vacation Bible School

  6. A park near our house with free mini golf

  7. ESPN+ free trial

  8. The Baby-Sitters Club

  9. Jumper cables

  10. Boating

  11. Supermarket Sweep

  12. Impromptu backyard neighborhood hangouts

  13. Face mask lanyards

  14. Sunflowers

  15. Old Navy Super Cash

  16. Blue Lizard sunscreen

  17. Vaccine clinical trial volunteers

  18. Coronavirus Explained

  19. When Finch asks me to read another Bible story

  20. Our school district

  21. Playing sports as a family

  22. Hot fresh mini donuts

  23. When plan B is just as fun as plan A

  24. Four-person pedal boats

  25. Beating the rain

  26. Piñatas

  27. The Lovebirds movie

  28. Finally snagging a life jacket for Finch

  29. When I take the time to pick out my outfit the night before (it saves so much time in the morning!)

  30. Linen T-shirts

  31. When Rooney lets me play with her hair