lazy sunday

sunday, oct. 31, 2010
the look:
sweatshirt: american apparel (buy)
shirt dress: american apparel
jeans: banana republic (you guessed it)
boots: walmart (whhat?!)
alpha class at church
i had the hardest time choosing an outfit today. i really wanted to repeat this outfit but i felt pressure from the blogosphere to create something different. i had too much time to ponder and change my mind and over-think it. i tried on a dress but it felt forced and i knew i was fooling myself that it would be warm enough. so i gave up for a while (put my pajamas back on) and caught up on the dvr with ric (parenthood is so good!). then it was time to get moving so i walked in my closet and immediately threw this on. isn’t it crazy how sometimes you feel it and sometimes you don’t? in the end i was quite happy with this combo!