2013 Christmas card


The past few days have been so awesome. I got to be Santa for the first time ever (it was fun, but I have no idea how he has time to do that for all the little boys and girls in the world on the same night). We started a new family tradition when Eric read Luke 2 aloud before we opened our stockings. We kept it simple and exchanged just a few small gifts, and it was so fun to see Rooney open hers!

We put our (fake) tree up before Thanksgiving, and Rooney did not want any ornaments on it. When I would put one on, she would cry and point at it until I took it down. So, instead, we decorated it with all the Christmas cards we received this year. We love how it turned out and will probably do the same next year, if not forever!

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Possibly my favorite part is that Rooney must have thought I was just putting random things in the tree, because throughout the month she added her own flair. I laughed so hard every time I saw these things in the tree!

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Processed with VSCOcam
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photo 3 (1)

Too funny!

And, of course, one of my favorite things every year is to send Christmas cards! We've used Minted the past five years, and they always turn out great. I think they have the best designs and they print your recipient addresses on the envelopes for FREE. We send about 175 cards, so this saved me a lot of time and we were able to get the cards in the mail by Dec. 2.


I love how it turned out!

Oh, and we got our fun return address stamp via Zulily, which also made the process easier than in years past!

Words of Williams Christmas Card 2013
Words of Williams Christmas Card 2013

I hope you are having a merry Christmas no matter where you are! Thanks so much for visiting this space however often you do. We love sharing our lives with you all.

P.S. Use this link to get $25 off your first Minted order (of $100 or more). You can see our past Christmas cards herehere, herehere, here and here.