my favorite mommy blogs
I read a lot of blogs. I love to learn and get different perspectives on how things can be done. I am always wanting to find my own way to do something. I don't settle with "that's how it's always been done." Not just about mothering, but fashion, decorating, etc. Blogs help me get new ideas.
I've cut down the number of blogs I read since I switched jobs, but I still read a lot of blogs :) I'm not even sure I could guess an accurate number. Maybe 20? And those are just the ones I read daily. I also like to check out new blogs every now and then. There are a few fashion-only blogs that I follow, but at this point I am mostly attracted to mom blogs.
(Please note that not all these blogs would categorize themselves as mommy blogs, but they are moms who have blogs and at least occasionally post about mom stuff. I also don't agree with everything they post about, but I appreciate their points of view!)
Here's a list of my current favorites, in no particular order:
Now that I look back at this list...all these moms stay home with their children. Some work from home and some make money from their blogs, but I do find it curious that my favorite mom blogs are those who stay home...especially since I'm a part-time working mom.
What are your favorite mommy blogs?

- Writing Chapter Three: Ashley is a work-from-home vegetarian mom to Ada, who is 15 months old. I like that she is just a few months ahead of me in my mom journey. Ashley is more emotional than even me, if you can believe that. Mostly posts about: motherhood struggles, breastfeeding, healthy living, decorating the nursery/play room, budgeting.

- Bleubird: A fashionable, homeschooling mom of four. Her kids range in age from 12 years to 4 months, so she has ideas for kids of all ages. I've actually met James and a couple of her kids - she's really sweet! Also posts about: photography, baking, homeschooling, fashion.
- Love Taza: This is the cutest family I've ever seen. Seriously. Naomi shares lots of photos of her kids, Eleanor and Samson, around their apartment in NYC and out and about, which is encouraging, inspiring and shows a different perspective of doing things. Also posts about: food, Mormonism, eating out, traveling, fast food and food trucks, dance and food. :)

- Harper's Happenings: Mandy is the hilarious mom to the adorable Harper (4 years old). She just announced her pregnancy with baby #2 and seems like a really cool, funny and laid-back mom. Also posts about: fashion, thrifting, blogging.

- Jen Loves Kev: Jen is mom to daughters Rowan and Finley. Eric and I met Jen a couple years ago and I think of all the mom blogs I read, me and her are the most similar. I swear we'd be friends if we lived closer. Also posts about: fashion, home decorating, DIY, food, family outings.
- The Daybook: This is probably my favorite blog of all time. Sydney is beautiful and sweet, and her son, Everett, is adorale! I wish she would open up a bit more about her parenting style (breastfeeding, food choices, etc.) because I am curious (nosy?) and I think I could really learn a lot from her. Also posts about: fashion, design, photography, family, Mormonism.

- Nat the Fat Rat: From what I can tell, I am a very different parent than Natalie, but that's one of the reasons I love to read her blog. She's very open and honest, which I admire. Her son, Huck, is possibly the cutest little boy I have ever seen. Also posts about: You've Got Mail, Mormonism, infertility, style, New York City.

- Where My Heart Resides: Ashlee and I have been moms for nearly the same length of time (her son, Everett, was born just five months after Roo), and I really like her writing style. Also posts about: faith, photography, food, traveling, friendship.

- My Wise Mom: Kerry, mom to Finn and Evie, is an actual friend of mine. Her blog is focused on her family's health and wellness, which stemmed from discovering her son's food allergies a few years ago. We go to the same chiropractor, attend the same church and shop at the same grocery stores, so I love learning from her!

- Hickstionary: Heidi's a real-life friend who has great taste and an even better heart. Her son, Beckett, is 15 months old. Also posts about: photography, faith, parties and events, cupcakes.

- Design for Minikind: Written by Erin Loechner, this blog features well-designed and smart products for kids. Her letters to her daughter, Bee, are my favorite. Also writes at Design for Mankind.