one year ago

one year ago, i told eric that i was starting a fashion blog, and that i needed him to take photos of me in our backyard.
i was nervous. i had no idea how it would go or that one year later i’d still be doing it, let alone five days a week!
the back story: TWO years ago, i set up this blog and posted about random things like haircuts and my obsession with taco john’s. i had intended for it to be a fashion blog, because i’ve always enjoyed clothes and for some reason people often commented on my outfits. but i was scared to photograph my outfits and post them. i came up with a lot of reasons for not doing it: our camera wasn’t good enough, my outfits weren’t special enough, people would think it was dumb.
then one day (a year ago) i got over all that. and i took a leap of faith. and i am so darn glad i did.
» this blog has been a whole new journey in discovering who i am. my style has evolved so much, too. i am much more comfortable with myself and my clothes. i’ve worn some crazy outfits, but nothing that isn’t me. it’s been so fun.
- i wrote 318 posts in 365 days.
- eric and i flew to austin, texas, to meet fellow style blogging friends at the texas style council conference. (i’m super sad we can’t be there next year!)
- i experienced burnout because of the countless hours i spent in front of our computer.
- i’ve experienced self-doubt and jealousy of other bloggers who take better photos, wear cuter outfits, are able to spend more money on clothes, live in better climates (yes, seriously—taking photos in the snow kind of sucks), etc.
- i signed on my first advertiser and did my first giveaway.
- i got the courage to buy and wear fake glasses, which i had wanted for 10 years. 10 YEARS, people.
- i’ve progressed in finding my style. (more on that tomorrow.)
- my husband has become quite the photographer.
i’ve put in a lot of time in the past year to keep this little blog going, but i wouldn’t trade it for anything. when i think about not having my blog or deleting it, i get sad. it’s a big piece of who i am!
thank you to everyone who has read this blog, even if it was just once. and even if it was you who left me my first rude comment. thanks for reading. seriously.
i am copying my friend linda and celebrating my blogiversary all week, reflecting on how far i’ve come. i’ve got a few giveaways lined up as well. i hope you enjoy it as much as i am!