our gender reveal

In case you missed it, we're having a BOY!

Now, for the fun details...


Last Monday, Eric and I went to our 20-week ultrasound. I was only 19 1/2 weeks along, so I was hoping they would be able to tell the sex (I pushed up the appointment due to my Vegas trip, which I'll post about later this week!). I was amazed at how many pictures the ultrasound tech had to take (bottoms of both feet, legs, hands, arms, nostrils, etc.). She was able to notice the sex quickly, and put a few photos and a note into an envelope for us. I was pretty sure it was a boy, but was really excited to know for sure! I also had to have an internal ultrasound at the end, which was a new (and not-super-fun) experience. But my midwife said baby looks wonderful, which was so amazing to hear!


After the ultrasound, we picked Rooney up early from daycare and went down to Swell, a great local shop for all things baby. They specialize in products for the first year of life. It was my first time there, and the ladies (hi Jaimee!) were super helpful as we picked out a few things for a boy and a few things for a girl.


Then, we left the store for about 15 minutes while they packaged up the correct items (after opening the envelope from the ultrasound tech). (This is how we found out last time too.)


Then we took the package to The Cheesecake Factory and let Rooney open it after we ordered our food. I'm so glad Eric shot this video, even though it was really dark in there:

Huge thanks to Swell for being so great and for gifting us with these adorable items from Baby Deedee, Fresh BiB and Me in Mind! I'm so thrilled to be having a son, and to have these cute products already on hand for him!