Pops of Neon (9 of 20)
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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
When: Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013
Outfit details:
- Headband: Thief & Bandit Kids (similar)
- Scarf: homemade
- T-shirt: American Apparel (or here)
- Leggings: Target
- Shoes: Old Navy
We have been giving Rooney the option lately of what shoes to wear and she always picks these! I wish she could tell me why she likes them so much better than her TOMS, but it will have to remain one of the many mysteries of parenting.
P.S. This scarf is made the same way her headband was (from an old T-shirt). Instead of using the sleeve, this scarf was cut from the body of an old, soft T-shirt and wrapped around her neck twice. Super easy and no sewing involved!