his outfit: purple wearing hood
my husband asked me to style him for a full week! this is day one.
when: saturday, april 2, 2011
what he wore:
shirt: gap
sweatshirt: modern amusement
shorts: original penguin
shoes: original penguin
where: bbq lunch, shopping, cirque du soleil
kelsey says: not only am i learning a lot about men’s fashion this week, i’m also learning to be a photographer. husband gets to learn how to pose, and i think it will make us both appreciate each other more. for this outfit, i took inspiration from the most recent j.crew catalog. i wanted to keep him comfortable so that he didn’t give up after day one. he’s cute, huh?
eric says: i pretty much instantly regretted telling kels my idea when a few moments later she was talking about me wearing her fedora and scarves. day one was pretty safe, but i know she is going to push my fashion limits in the days to come. posing is tough stuff. ladies who do this daily, pat yourselves on the back. how did i do my first time?