Roo at the Blank Park Zoo

Photo Oct 08, 10 51 24 AM.jpg


hat: Cozy Trends
coat: Old Navy
sweatshirt: H&M (similar)
leggings: Loola c/o Rosie & Oliver (similar)
boots: Old Navy (these are cute too)

Our friends Missy and Lola invited us to visit the zoo with them this past Wednesday. I asked Rooney what she wanted to see and she said "Orange." She is seriously obsessed with the color orange. So, we found some orange fish and she got brave enough to feed them, and it was her favorite part of the entire trip. They were so excited for the food that they were splashing us in that last photo!

P.S. Rooney has worn this hat for a solid two years now. We get so many compliments on it. It seems to keep growing with her. My parents bought it for her at the farmers' market right after we found out she was a girl. The gal who made it is still in business - you can click here to visit her Etsy shop and send her a message if you'd like one of your own!