Rooney, 12 Months

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Rooney turned 1 last weekend! And somehow, overnight, she instantly seemed different.

Bigger. Smarter. More energetic, with a side of sass. :)

We'll surely do a detailed post on her birthday party, which was tons of fun, and I'm also working on a separate post on the emotions of having a 1-year-old and what I think as I look back on the past year. This is her monthly developmental post and documents what she's into right now. A lot has changed in the past month! Here we go!

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  • Waving & saying bye bye (her absolute favorite!)
  • Emptying things (mommy's purse, the diaper bag, boxes, laundry basket)
  • Remotes
  • Feeding herself O's, bananas & pickles
  • Dancing to songs & turning up the volume
  • Sitting quietly with a book & flipping through the pages (finally!)
  • Looking out the window
  • Being chased around the house
  • Standing

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  • Being redirected
  • Getting her pajamas on
  • Having her diaper changed
  • Peas
  • Waiting for food
  • Snuggling
  • Having her nose wiped
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Weight: 23 pounds, 9 ounces (92nd percentile). I was kind of surprised that she hasn't tripled her birth weight yet, but she's a good size! (Did you see her thighs in that first photo?)

Height: 30¼ inches (85th percentile).

Head: 17¾ inches (54th percentile).

Clothing size:Mostly 18 months. We also have a bunch of 24m and 2T clothing on standby (thanks to hand-me-downs and birthday gifts). We're finishing up our size 4 diapers and will move on to size 5 soon.

She is very good about helping us get her dressed by putting her arms through the holes, and helping us take her shirts off or stepping out of her pants. However, before bed she escapes the getting-pajamas-on process whenever she can. She loves to be naked!

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Teeth:Four - two on top, two on bottom. Hers seem to come in twos. We think she's working on a couple more right now.

Words:hi, bye, bye bye, mama, mommy, dada, nana, papa, baba. She has gotten much more vocal in the past month, and it's clear that she also understands more than she can say. If I tell her it's time to put her coat on, she'll start saying and waving bye. If I ask for a kiss, sometimes I get one. If I ask her to take her arm out of her shirt, she usually will. If I ask if she wants up, she'll raise her arms. If I ask her to take her hat off, she can. However, I don't think she knows what no means yet, because she'll pause, look at me, and then smile and continue on with what she's doing... She can also sign eat and all done. I even caught her blowing kisses the other day! :)

Naps: 1 or 2. Twelve months is a little early to drop to one nap, but some days she straight up refuses her first or second nap. It's kind of nice because then it's easier to get out of the house to run errands, and her one nap is usually long (3ish hours). If she only naps once, she goes to bed early - around 5:00 pm!

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Baths: Two/week. We've stuck pretty close to our Sunday/Wednesday rotation. Eric is the bath guy, and I dry her off. Rooney loves bath night!

Meals: Three or four bottles, 3 meals, 2 snacks. Hopefully we can get down to 2 bottles soon, and use a sippy during the day for milk. I am not looking forward to the bottle-to-sippy transition, even though we have been using a sippy for water for months. (Tips welcome!) She has started to refuse purees (she's a big girl now!) but also has trouble with the texture of some table foods. It has been tricky to get her full enough AND try to decrease her milk intake while we're in between purees and table foods. Nevertheless, she is happiest while eating :) Her favorites are pickles, O's and bananas.

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Bedtime: 5:00-6:00 pm. It's early, but we've found that for Roo, a later bedtime does NOT mean a later waketime or more naps the next day, so we just go with it. She usually gets up between 6:00 and 7:00 am. Maybe this will change after Daylight Savings Time this weekend?!

Night sleep:Usually 12 hours, but frequently ranges from 11-13. We are very lucky that she rarely makes noises or gets up in the middle of the night.

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Health: In the past month, she had her second fever ever (first one was at 8 months). The fever lasted a couple days, and it got as high as 104.6°. Poor girl. She was out of day care for 3.5 days. We never took her to a medical doctor, but she got adjusted by our chiropractor twice while she was sick. We continue to go the chiropractor weekly. Maybe I should do a separate post on the homeopathic remedies we try when she is sick or shows signs of getting sick.

Walking: Not yet. She's only taken a total of four steps (that I've seen), but she loves to stand!

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Day care: When I visit her at day care, she gets a big smile on her face, but then typically goes on playing. She used to crawl over to me and want to be held, and fuss when I left. This makes me confident that she is more accustomed to her new day care (I'm still calling it new because she was at her old day care for 5.5 months and has been as this new one for 4.5). Here are a couple of photos of Roo at day care (the first is from a fire drill, and the other is of her and her BFF Adah):

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Is this when the real parenting (discipline) begins? Rooney is getting smarter, and at times tests her boundaries. I'm sure this is just a small small small peek at what's to come. She has even started biting me a few times! Oh my...

One of our favorite things this month was going to frozen yogurt with daddy on a Wednesday (Roo is happy just to chew on the spoon at this point)...

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...visit the Science Center of Iowa with my family...

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...and just continue to have fun at home!

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