Rooney & Carts // 10

It's been a while since I posted Rooney & Carts! Mostly because I've been doing the grocery shopping solo lately (over my lunch break), but also partly because we've forgotten to take photos a few times! Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset


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^^^Pricing lumber for our basement project

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^^^We keep getting those $10 off Kohl's cards in the mail...I got her a dress for less than $1!

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^^^Let's make sloppy joes!

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^^^On Thanksgiving, we went to the store. I was thankful the store was open (and very quiet).

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^^^We were waiting for Eric to pick out some beer for a Christmas party, and she walked straight to the front of the store and grabbed her own cart! Too smart and she didn't run into a single thing!

Rooney, lifestyleKelseyComment