My Shopping Fast Is Over!

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I made it 89 days without shopping, guys!

(I was hoping to make it 90 days, but fell a little short. My official no-shopping span was Dec. 17 - March 16.)

I've been really wanting to shop the past few weeks! I feel refreshed and ready to make good choices with my time and money.

Now that it's April 1, I'm going to allow myself to buy things that I love. My wish list has been growing, but I don't want to rush into anything.

Here's what I bought/got while on my shopping fast (I'm not perfect!):

  • Linen New York New York T-shirt :: I got this from Eric for Valentine's Day (I dropped a hint and he picked up on it!). This something I wanted for four months and it finally came back in stock and on sale. I didn't want to miss out on it! (I still haven't worn it, because it felt wrong to do so before April 1!)
  • Converse All-Star high top sneakers :: I was planning to buy a pair of Converse high tops as soon as the 90-day period was over, and on day 89 I found a pair on clearance at an outlet mall when we were in Omaha that was considered "B" grade (there is no "Converse" stamp on the back, only "All-Star"). It was a lucky find for sure and felt silly to NOT buy them.
  • Socks :: Eric agreed it was a need since my other pairs were wearing out from this long winter.

I'm working on a separate post about how I intentionally build my wardrobe, so look for that soon! Happy shopping!