snappy new year!
If you know me really well (like if you're my husband), you know I am NOT someone who sets a lot of goals for myself. I'm a total free spirit, so the thought of new year's resolutions makes me cringe a little bit. Why do we always have to do more and be better? I have blogged about goals in the past, but I'm going to be honest this year and say I really just want to SIMPLIFY my life even more than it already is. You may think I'm lazy (and you might be right) ... but I like to think I'm just content.
In 2015, I want to learn... how to gracefully juggle a marriage, two kids (!) and a job I love
I want to read... only the blog and Facebook posts that fill my brain with goodness
I want to make... lots of memories with my family
I want to visit... the zoo, the lake, the new bakery
I want to change... lots of baby diapers (positive thinking)
I want to be better at... loving my spouse (which might include changing the bed sheets more often)
Most of all, I want... to love and be loved
+ photo is one of my favorites of me and Roo, taken by Megan Schaap (see more here)
+ new year's resolution list idea from here