29 items

it’s remix time again!

here are the 30 29 items i’ll be wearing for the next 30 days. i’m planning to add a 30th item when it gets tough or when i realize i forgot something crucial. i’m mostly nervous about shoes, but there are a handful of things in my “maybe” pile.

i choose to remix (this is my third time!) because it helps me think creatively and intentionally about what i’m wearing, and focus on how i can maximize certain pieces. i bought them for a reason, now’s the time to wear them as many ways as possible!

i do expect it to be a challenge, considering i have already created a number of outfits (that’s eight! yikes!) using these 29 things. i’m going to have to get really creative! please let me know if you have any ideas.

p.s. i will be shopping during the challenge, but probably only when we’re on vacation. eric is really excited for me to only pack 30 things, though! (well, plus my swimming suit and all my accessories…)