family photo time capsule 2022

Every year we take a family picture in front of this wall at our church. When Eric and I snapped the first one in 2010 using a point-and-shoot camera propped on the back of our Jeep for our Christmas card (see below), we had no intention of making this a yearly thing. Then we found ourselves there a year and a half later shortly after Rooney was born, and the rest is history. We now have 12 photos in our collection, and it's a neat way to see how our family has changed over the years.

When I look at this year's photo, here's what I see:

  • Kelsey: biked to work for the first time (5.4 miles each way), wears a top knot on Thursdays, has read nine books so far this year, very into buying and selling clothes on Poshmark

  • Finch (7): kindergarten graduate, learned to read, loves math and Minecraft, bought a Nintendo Switch with his birthday money, will only wear high top shoes that velcro, currently playing baseball and wants to try flag football, karate and soccer

  • Rooney (10): recently performed in her first hip hop dance recital, will be entering her last year of elementary school, currently playing softball (with plans to play basketball and volleyball), wearing women’s shoes size 8.5-10

  • Eric: training to ride 200+ miles on his bike in one day, serves on two board of directors, shaved his beard and looks 10 years younger

See all 12 photos below!

Man, time goes fast. I highly recommend having a family photo tradition. Start now! It’s not too late!